Disco Dragons
The PDX Disco Dragons began as a light parade for a friend's birthday—a brilliant idea! These giant puppet dragons are designed to be worn by one or more people. The first dragon created was Porngy, a playful pink and orange dragon inspired by traditional Chinese dragons. The dragon heads are crafted from a base (helmet, hard hat, hat) using wire, pool noodles, paper mache, paint, glue, and a touch of creative flair. Over the past ten years, the dragons have been upgraded and new ones have been added. Currently, Porngy is undergoing a facelift because it has become too heavy.
The other dragons include Sam, the silver dragon; Gilda, the green dragon; and the White Luck Dragon. They often dance and delight around Portland and have even taken a few road trips to other festivals.
Follow them on IG @pdxdiscodragons